Friday, August 24, 2012

Handcuffed by Technology

Most of us have been there at some point in our career.  You re in a requirements gathering meeting with a client to discuss the project, get an understanding of the business processes and discover the items that will be the foundation of your development efforts.  Everything starts out fine.  You re looking at their current systems, discussing what works, what doesn't work, what needs to be changed, what needs to be different... all good information to help you build the plan of action.  When all of a sudden the focus changes.  The client starts whipping out Visio drawings of how they envision the sites to be created or they want folders in this library, etc.  Then they call in the incumbents, who are clueless on SharePoint and want to argue about how its an inferior product to the custom solution they have been overcharging the customer with for years.  It can all quickly go to shit right in front of your eyes.

Afterwards, as you re going over the notes, you try to think back to where everything went so wrong.

I can tell you from first hand experience, it was the moment you started to let technology run the meeting.  The second you started talking in 0s and 1s you lost the battle.  But the war can still be won.

It's important when you are gathering requirements for any project that you focus on the business needs.  The WHY, the WHAT.. not the HOW.  The how is what you are getting paid the big consulting bucks (or meager corporate salary) to provide.  That is where your expertise with the product, your years of experience and understanding of the requirements comes in to play.  But you can be in trouble if you do not first understand WHY they want a new system.  What aspects of their business need help?  Are we making an improvement on their current business processes and if so, understand and document them.

Too many times I'll have a client ask me to create a workflow to do X, Y and Z.  or they will come to me and as for a list without thinking about the metadata or how will that list be interacted with - do they want dashboards or certain views.  They will say they need a top-level site with a list that filters to a sub site so blah, blah, blah.. you get my drift.  At this point, I always take a step back and ask WHY?  Don't think in terms of technology because technology is a solution to a problem.  You want to know what the problem is so you can apply the correct solution.  Take a moment to ask them to walk you through the human process of that particular aspect of their business, so you can understand WHAT needs to be addressed and WHY it is not working now, before you start throwing "technology" at the problem.  Sometimes technology is the problem.

So next time you're watching that meeting fly off the tracks like a runaway train, remember to focus on the human processes - its always a safe bet to take a step back, forget about the technology for a moment and focus on their business needs.  You'll be a better solutions provider for it.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't Stop... Believin'... or Learning

I realized something today.  You never stop learning in this business.  Hell, I think I've forgotten more than I've learned, but either way, each day is a new day to learn something new.  And I'm here to tell you that an old dog CAN learn new tricks.

I looked back on a previous project I worked on.  It had only been about 6 months or so, but I was using some techniques and technology that I was fairly new to me at the time.  Not that the project wasnt good; the client was very satisfied, but to my (now developed) eye, I can see some things that I would now do differently.  You see, since that time, I've done similar projects and I've learned a lot.  I have developed "standards" that I hadnt had before.  I organize my thoughts and planning in a different way.  My entire approach is different and because of this I can see a dramatic difference in the quality of my work.

I guess this holds true to just about everything in life.  The more repetitions, the more automatic it becomes.  The more experience - the more lessons learned, the better the results.

I cant go back and re-do those projects, but I can (and will) take each new challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Whoops! So much for regularity....

I cant believe it's been 3 months since my last post.  Yeah, I'm a blog-slacker.  Truth be told, I've still trying to figure out what kind of stuff to talk about. I guess I can mention some of the projects I've been working on lately.  Maybe people will find these interesting....Let's see, I've built a Resume Repository System, where Job Seekers can publish their resume through an InfoPath form and the data is then displayed in dashboards for Hiring Managers, HR, etc based on qualifications, experience, previous employers, etc.  Then there was an Opportunity Pipeline System that tracks the lifecycle of contracts and task orders.  Another one was an Inspection and Evaluation System that tracks the inspection of aircrafts throughout a region, ties it to a particular vendor including contracts and also organizes pilot evaluations.  This one is pretty cool because I built dashboards so they could filter a particular pilot base don region or vendor and likewise filter inspection data based on organization, region or contract.  Another one I built recently was a Collaboration System that centrally managed all support requests for a government client.  I really thought out of the box with this one and implemented an Self-Servive Support InfoPath form that not only allowed a person to submit a support request, but in the form itself, you could select your topic and if there was Knowledge Base article available, it would display it.  Talk about using the old noggin...
If anyone is interested, maybe I can get more in depth with some of the features.  or not...
Until next time...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I started this SharePoint blog today because there just arent enough personal opinions about technology floating around the Internet.  I believe I have a style of writing that people would enjoy reading (if you like your eyes poked with a stick, that is) and a couple minutes on my hands to pass along some potentially interesting information.  If you appreciate sarcasm with a side of geek humor, you will feel right at home here. Seriously though, this is my contribution to the SharePoint community and I hope you enjoy it.